Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Zensur Epic IV 490
Wiedergefundene Hoffnung Epic IV 490
Stab des raschen Todes Epic IV 490
Hammer des Geisterhügels Epic IV 490
Sturmwindschlag Epic IV 490
Blitzstab aus Sternenmetall Epic IV 490
Rapier des bösen Beobachters Epic IV 490
Gefallener Freund Epic IV 490
Wurfspeer der gerechten Absicht Epic IV 490
Unruhestifter Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Vernichter-Langschwert der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Kabalisten-Langschwert des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Luminus-Langschwert des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Vernichter-Streitaxt der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Kabalisten-Streitaxt des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Luminus-Streitaxt des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Vernichter-Muskete der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Kabalisten-Muskete des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Luminus-Muskete des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Vernichter-Bogen der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Kabalisten-Bogen des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Luminus-Bogen des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Vernichter-Beil der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Kabalisten-Beil des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Luminus-Beil des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Vernichter-Feuerstab der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Kabalisten-Feuerstab des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Luminus-Feuerstab des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Vernichter-Lebensstab der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Kabalisten-Lebensstab des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Luminus-Lebensstab des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Vernichter-Kriegshammer der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Kabalisten-Kriegshammer des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Luminus-Kriegshammer des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Vernichter-Rapier der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Kabalisten-Rapier des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Luminus-Rapier des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Vernichter-Speer der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Kabalisten-Speer des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Luminus-Speer des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Vernichter-Eisstulpe der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Kabalisten-Eisstulpe des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Luminus-Eisstulpe des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Vernichter-Unheilsstulpe der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Kabalisten-Unheilsstulpe des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Lumini-Unheilsstulpe des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Vernichter-Donnerbüchse der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Kabalisten-Donnerbüchse des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Luminus-Donnerbüchse des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490
Vernichter-Großschwert der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Epic IV 490