How to Get The Orichalcum-Braced Storage Chest Schematic

Lets have a look at how to get the Orichalcum-Braced Storage Chest Schematic and how to increase your drop chance for it.

If you're looking to craft Goldene Aufbewahrungstruhe aus Stahl, you will first need Bauplan: Goldene Aufbewahrungstruhe aus Stahl, which is one of the rarest items in the game. It drops from Elite Ancient Chests and Elite Supply Chests in level 50+ zones / points of interests, and the drop rate is extremely low.

Note: After the update on 16th December 2021, the schematic will also drop from Package of Specialized Furnishing Materials. The drop rate from is around 0.165%. When opening the box, you have a 25% chance to get 1-2 items (so 1.5 on average) out of a pool of 227 different schematics.

Drop Rate

According the the internal game data, without any luck, the drop rate is around 0.00023% and it is not influenced by luck.

While we don't know for sure if luck affects the loot tables involved in dropping this item, if we assume it does, a theoretical drop chance would be around 0.0195% (around 85x higher) with around 43% luck. That luck would come from 9x Makellose Perle, 3x Große Beute-Glückstrophäe and 12x Glück perks.

Get Double Drop Rate

One thing we know for sure though, is that the loot table (loot bucket would be the technical term for this specific one) that contains the schematic, contains a total of 22 items, all with an equal chance - if you get lucky enough to reach the loot bucket, you will get one item at random.

Out of the 22 items, 11 can only drop in Ebonscale Reach. This is important because, it effectively gives you a 2x higher drop chance for Bauplan: Goldene Aufbewahrungstruhe aus Stahl if you farm chests in level 50+ zones outside Ebonscale Reach, since half of the items from the loot bucket won't be eligible to drop.

Loot Table

Below you can find a table with the items dropped from that loot bucket, and their zone restrictions.

Item Zone
Kleine schwarze Porzellanvase Ebonscale Reach
Kleine cremefarbene Porzellanvase Ebonscale Reach
Goldfisch in Porzellanschale Ebonscale Reach
Weißgold-Platzgedeck Ebonscale Reach
Bonsai-Tafelaufsatz Ebonscale Reach
Teeservice-Set Ebonscale Reach
Große schwarze Porzellanvase Ebonscale Reach
Große cremefarbene Porzellanvase Ebonscale Reach
Jadefarbene bemalte Bambusjalousien Ebonscale Reach
Weißgold-Brokatvorhänge Ebonscale Reach
Weißgold-Brokatvolant Ebonscale Reach
Holzwandfackel Any Level 50+ Zone
Schwarz lackierter Steuerradkronleuchter Any Level 50+ Zone
Kapitän-Quecksilber-Lampe, Original Any Level 50+ Zone
Piratenwandanker Any Level 50+ Zone
Gotische abgenutzte Vorhänge Any Level 50+ Zone
Gläserset für moderates Trinken Any Level 50+ Zone
Piratenschmuckschatulle Any Level 50+ Zone
Messingteleskop Any Level 50+ Zone
Steinschlosspistole Any Level 50+ Zone
Bauplan: Rustikales hölzernes Schriftrollenregal Any Level 50+ Zone
Bauplan: Goldene Aufbewahrungstruhe aus Stahl Any Level 50+ Zone

Ending Note

All the guides I have written so far are short and focused on specific parts of the game, or of a system. While some people generally need a more step-by-step guide, I feel like it's often important to focus on the small bits, such as those mentioned in this article. I would love to hear your feedback on this kind of mini-guides in the comments below, or using the feedback button on the site!

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New World Update 3.0.1
Nightveil Hallow